Update - Dallas Divide and other

Aug 18 2024

It’s been a long while since I have done an update. Been a busy summer with alot of family stuff since the 4th, but did make some minor progress and other interesting items. This is more of a Layout infrastructure post. A friend of mine had a custom figure made of a past model railroader and wanted to include him in his layout. He found a group who do figures Print figureines where they can construct a figure in any pose you would like. [Read More]

Dallas Divide Backdrop

July 8 2024

Last year I took a number of panoramic photographs on the way back from the 2023 NG convention. I was hoping for fall colors, but was a tad early for the Aspens to change. However I did get some great “test shots” on backdrops. Placerville, Ridgeway, Dallas Divide, Rico, and a few others along the way. A friend of mine has a large format printer and is an fantastic photographer. Has a fantastic layout as well. [Read More]

Layout concept and benchwork test

My first real entry.. with this new site. Benchwork… My wife and I are getting closer to having plans to add a small addition to our house such that I can finally build my layout. (Long story). But I have finally narrowed down on my track plan. It’s a double deck layout with a helix. I tried so hard not to have a helix, but. Goals of my layout.. first is that it is for me and modeling what I want to. [Read More]